Tricia Hayes CB


Tricia Hayes was appointed Second Permanent Secretary at the Home Office on 5 July 2021.

Tricia’s specific responsibilities include leadership of the operational functions of the Home Office and its corporate capabilities.

She is also race champion for the Home Office.

Previously Tricia was Director General for the Home Office’s Public Safety Group.


Prior to joining the Home Office in February 2020, Tricia spent most of her career in the Department for Transport (DfT) which she first joined in 1987.

From 2016 to 2020 Tricia was Director General for Roads, Places and Environment, leading work on transport’s contribution to climate change, roads, traffic, road safety, sustainable travel, bus travel and the freight sector.

She also led the department’s work on road transport aspects of EU Exit.

From 2013 to 2016 Tricia was the UK’s Director of Aviation, responsible for all aspects of domestic and international aviation policy, including aviation security.

Tricia’s earlier roles included a 3 year loan to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to run the transport desk at the British Embassy in Washington DC.

She has also held posts in ministerial private offices and spent 2 years at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) working with Jonathon Porritt setting up the multi-sector Sustainable Development Commission.

In February 2020 Tricia moved to the Home Office to become Director General for Crime, Policing and Fire Group and in April 2021 become Director General for Public Safety Group.

Tricia is originally from Northern Ireland and is married with 3 children. She was made a Companion of the Order of the Bath in the New Year Honours 2019.