Sarah Veale CBE


Sarah Veale was Head of the Equality and Employment Rights Department at the Trades Union Congress (TUC), where she worked since 1985. She was a member of the TUC team which negotiated the agreement with the CBI and the Government that formed the basis of the Temporary Agency Work Directive; she was also responsible for the development of TUC policy on employment law. Sarah was awarded the CBE for services to diversity in 2006.

Her other roles include:

  • Board Member, Equality and Human Rights Commission;
  • non-executive Board Member, United Kingdom Accreditation Service;
  • Trustee and Vice Chair, the Equality and Diversity Forum;
  • Visiting Fellow, Greenwich University Business School; and
  • Board Member, Public Concern Work.

Her previous roles include:

  • Board Member, Health and Safety Executive
  • Board Member, Better Regulation Commission
  • Board Member, Risk and Regulation Advisory Council
  • Member, ACAS Board