Sir Robin Bosher


Sir Robin joined Ofsted as Regional Director, South East region in April 2014. He is also currently Director, Quality and Training.

For the 3 years before he joined Ofsted, Robin was Director, Primary Education for the Harris Federation, helping open 9 sponsored academies and a free school.

Earlier highlights in his career include:

  • headteacher for 3 primary schools over 22 years, most recently the federation between Fairlawn, Haseltine and Kilmorie schools in Lewisham
  • National Primary School System Leader of the Year Award, 2010
  • currently a National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) coach and helped develop the NPQH programme for more than 10 years
  • Department for Education (DfE) City Challenge adviser
  • Operational Director, London Challenge primary programme
  • primary headteacher representative, DfE’s Achievement for All steering board
  • member of the Primary Reference Group

Sir Robin was knighted for services to education in the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Birthday honours in June 2012.