Dr Neil Wooding


Neil joined the Ministry of Justice in February 2018 as Chief People Officer. He is responsible for leading all operational and strategic HR services including the prison and probation service.

Over the course of his career, Neil has worked in the third sector, the NHS Local and Regional Government. His last role was at the Office for National Statistics, where he was responsible for corporate business services and development. Previously, Neil also worked at the Welsh Government as the Director of Academi Wales before becoming the Director of Workforce and Organisational Development for the NHS in Wales. He is a fellow of the Chartered institute Of Personnel and Development.

Since the age of 17, he has worked as a volunteer in a variety of roles but predominantly within the social care sector and spent time working in Scandinavia, the United States, Canada, India and sub-Saharan Africa to build capability and develop local leadership. In a broader context, between 2001 and 2009, he served as a Commissioner for Equality and Human Rights for Wales and led a number of UK Inquiries into Part-Time and Migrant labour and Human Rights. During the same period, he was a Trustee of Stonewall UK. In 2016, he was appointed a Trustee of the Lloyds Bank Foundation Trust.