Linda Costello


Linda joined the Government Internal Audit Agency in 2016, and has taken on the roles of operational director and group chief internal auditor for the Ministry of Justice as well as championing diversity & inclusion.

Prior to joining GIAA, Linda has provided major projects advisory, assurance and forensic services working for 2 of the ‘Big 4’ firms, KPMG & PwC, for 15 years and a further 3 years spent in-house on a nuclear new build project in the United Arab Emirates.

Whilst working in the UAE, Linda delivered internal audit, compliance and risk management activities for the Emirates Nuclear Energy Company (ENEC). She has worked with public sector organisations covering infrastructure clients, energy, including nuclear and renewables, defence, health, education, local government, social housing.

Within the private sector, Linda has worked across a range of industries including pharmaceuticals, manufacturing and real estate.