Member, UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation

Sir Jon Cunliffe


Sir Jon Cunliffe was the UK’s Permanent Representative to the EU at UKRep between January 2012 and November 2013.

From July 2007 to December 2011, Jon was the Prime Minister’s Advisor on Europe and Global Issues, the UK Sherpa for the G8 and G20, and the Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary responsible for EU coordination. During this time, Jon was responsible for UK macroeconomic policy, international and EU policy and financial services. Jon was also the UK Representative on the EU Economic and Finance Committee, Chair of the EFC sub committee on the IMF (SCIMF), Chair of the Committee of IMF Deputies, and UK G7 and G20 Deputy. In addition, Jon was the Government representative Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee.

From 2000-2002 Jon was Managing Director for Financial Regulation, HM Treasury. He was Second Permanent Secretary at HM Treasury from 2002 – 2007, and Managing Director of the Macroeconomic and International Finance Directorate.

From 1980-1990, Jon worked in the Department of the Environment and Transport, including dealing with EU environment and transport policy issues. In the 1990s, he held various HM Treasury posts on EU and international finance including leading the Treasury’s work on operational independence of the Bank of England, the European Monetary Union and the international financial system (until 2000).

Member, UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation

UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation