Lord Jeremy Heywood


Lord Jeremy Heywood stood down as Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service in October 2018. Lord Jeremy Heywood was appointed Cabinet Secretary following the announcement of Sir Gus O’Donnell’s retirement in December 2011. From September 2014 to October 2018, Jeremy also held the title “Head of the Civil Service”.

Prior to that, Lord Jeremy Heywood was Permanent Secretary to two successive Prime Ministers at 10 Downing Street. He also spent over three years as a Managing Director including as co-head of the UK Investment Banking Division at Morgan Stanley. Before joining Morgan Stanley, Lord Jeremy Heywood occupied a range of senior civil service roles, including as Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister (1999–2003).

Prior to that, he had a variety of senior roles at HM Treasury including:

  • Head of Securities and Markets Policy
  • Head of Corporate and Management Change

He also served as Principal Private Secretary to Chancellors Norman Lamont and Kenneth Clarke and had a spell at the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC. His first job in the civil service was as an Economic Adviser to the Health and Safety Executive.