Jeff Matthewman


Jeff Matthewman took up office as Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy Vientiane in May 2018. He joined Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service in 2006, and has served in London and a number of overseas postings. His previous roles include Deputy Head of Government Hospitality at Lancaster House in Protocol Directorate, and Senior Projects Officer in the Projects Taskforce, where he worked on a broad range of FCO priority strategic policy and corporate objectives.

Jeff completed numerous short term overseas assignments, most recently in Bangladesh from 2013 to 2014. He has also worked across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas as Deputy Head of Mission, Consul and Corporate Services Manager. Jeff has gained experience on a number of wide ranging foreign policy issues, managing embassy operations and supporting British nationals abroad.

Jeff is married and enjoys travelling, tennis, theatre and cooking – particularly learning more about Southeast Asian cuisine whilst living in Laos.