Appointed Person under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002

Mr Greg McCourt


Mr Greg McCourt was initially selected to the role of the “Appointed Person” under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) in July 2019 for a 3-year term. Mr McCourt has provided a positive contribution to improving the use of search and seizure powers under POCA. The Home Office is confident that continuing his good work to provide advice on search and seizure powers for a further term would continue to see improvements to the use of the powers. He has therefore been jointly re-appointed for a further term by the Home Office ministers, the Department of Justice in Northern Ireland and Scottish ministers. His new term of appointment will expire on 31 July 2025.

Appointed Person under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002

The role of the Appointed Person was established providing assurance to Parliament, the Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly that independent scrutiny has been applied to reports of searches and seizures carried out under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) when prior judicial approval has not been given. The Appointed Person writes an annual report which draws general conclusions about the issues arising from relevant search and seizure reports and can also make appropriate recommendations about the exercise of the powers.