Deputy Director, Constitution and Policy

Geth Williams


Geth has worked for the Wales Office since 2007, specialising in constitutional matters and legislation.

He joined the Civil Service in 1992, having previously worked for BT. His posts in the Civil Service have included:

  • Bill Manager for the Greater London Authority Act 2007
  • working on the GLA Act 1999 which established the London Mayor and Assembly
  • helping to compile the successful bid for the London Olympics

Deputy Director, Constitution and Policy

The Deputy Director, Constitution and Policy (also Deputy Head of Office) heads up the Strategy and Constitution Division.

The role of the Wales Office’s Management Board is to:

  • give collective and effective leadership to the Wales Office and set its corporate direction and capability standards, informed by ministers’ aims, objectives and priorities

  • oversee the delivery of ministers’ objectives and priorities, as set out in the business plan, and the management of the key associated risks

  • ensure prudent and effective management of the Wales Office’s financial resources and assets

  • agree and maintain a transparent and robust system of internal controls

  • lead and oversee the process of change and efficiency savings

  • lead collectively the management and development of Wales Office’s civil servants

Wales Office