Emily Maltman


Ms Emily Maltman was appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and took up her appointment during April 2020.

2015 to 2020 Beirut, Head of Syria Overseas Network
2014 to 2015 Kinshasa, Head of Conflict, Stabilisation and Humanitarian programmes, Department for International Development
2012 to 2014 Kinshasa, Deputy Head of Mission
2010 to 2011 FCDO, Private Secretary to the Minister for Africa, UN and Conflict Issues
2008 to 2010 FCDO, Head, Strategic Partners Team, Counter-Terrorism Department
2007 to 2008 Kingston, First Secretary
2007 Erbil, Deputy Consul General
2005 to 2006 FCDO, Desk Officer, Turkey, Europe Directorate
2004 to 2005 Brussels, Presidency co-ordinator for Justice and Home Affairs, UK Permanent Representation to the EU
2003 to 2004 Home Office, Justice and Home Affairs Advisor on EU Enlargement