Dr Elizabeth Sidwell


Elizabeth was appointed as Schools Commissioner by the Secretary of State for Education, and took post in May 2011. Her mission is to raise standards, tackle underperformance and champion the growth of academies, academy sponsors and free schools.

Elizabeth is committed to turning around underperforming schools and has proven experience in communicating with hard to reach communities. Her previous role was the Chief Executive of Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation, a unique hard federation of three all-through academies which she founded.

In her present role she is visiting schools and local authorities nationwide, working with heads, governors and sponsors to ensure a world-class education system.

She is a governor of two schools, a Freeman of the City of London and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers. In June 2009, Elizabeth was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s birthday honours list for services to local and national education.