Catherine Arnold OBE


Catherine Arnold was the British Ambassador to Mongolia from June 2015 until February 2018. Catherine joined the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) in 2006 and has worked on a range of issues including human rights, counter terrorism and public affairs. She has served in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Oman, and has also worked London in the FCO’s Prosperity Directorate and UK Trade & Investment.

Born and educated in Asia, Catherine started her career in the private sector, working in the UK and overseas before joining the FCO. She holds degrees in conflict, philosophy, and theology & mathematics.


Full name: Catherine Elizabeth Jane Arnold
2015 Language Training (Mongolian)
2014 FCO/UKTI, Philanthropic Investment
2013 – 2014 FCO, Head, Emerging Powers Initiative
2011 – 2013 Kabul, Head of Communication & Spokesman
2009 – 2011 Tehran, Political, Human Rights
2009 Language Training (Farsi)
2008 Baghdad, Political, Press & Public Affairs
2007 – 2008 Muscat, Political, Press & Public Affairs
2006 – 2007 FCO, Prevent (Counter Terrorism)
2006 Joined FCO

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