Sir Bernard Silverman


Sir Bernard is a British statistician who is Emeritus Professor of Statistics at the University of Oxford.

Following senior appointments at the Universities of Bath, Bristol and Oxford, he was the Chief Scientific Advisor to the Home Office from 2010 to 2017. He is a pioneer of computational statistics, researching the ways that computing power has changed the ability to collect, analyse, understand and utilise data. His research has also ranged widely across theoretical and practical aspects of statistics with many collaborations with different areas of science, medicine, government and business.  His most recent research has been in statistical aspects of the fight against Modern Slavery. He was knighted in 2018 for Public Service and services to Science.

He has been a member of the UK Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s Advisory Panel and served on the Prime Minister’s Task Force on Modern Slavery. He recently chaired the Technology Advisory Panel to the Investigatory Powers Commissioner. 

Currently he chairs the National Statistician’s Methodological Assurance Review Panel, and is a Board member of the Economic and Social Research Council and the Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology. He is a former President of the Royal Statistical Society and a Fellow of the Royal Society.