Andrew Price


Andrew took up his duties at UKDel OECD Paris in August 2015.

Andrew joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1997. He spent his first four years in the EU Directorate in London, principally on the negotiations for the 2000-06 EU Financial Framework and the 2004 EU Enlargement. This was followed by a six-month secondment to the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs prior to his appointment as Head of the Political Section at the British Embassy in The Hague.

Andrew then transferred to the UK Delegation to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Vienna where he covered economic, environmental and human rights issues. Most recently Andrew was Head of Strategy and Policy in the FCO’s Finance Directorate in London, where he worked closely with HM Treasury.

Previously Andrew worked as an economist at the UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in London advising on international trade issues, commodity markets and the Common Agricultural Policy.

Andrew was born and went to primary school in South Wales. He was later educated at Longsands Comprehensive School in St Neots, Cambridgeshire. He studied economics at the University of Warwick and international economics at the University of Sussex.

Andrew is married, has three children and speaks some French, German and Dutch.