Publication scheme

A publication scheme makes information available to the public about how an organisation operates and how it spends its budget.

This is the Veterinary Products Committee’s (VPC) publication scheme, drawn up under Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

This publication scheme is a guide to important information routinely published by or made available from the VPC. It focuses on the work we’ve done and the advice we’ve given.

The VPC publication scheme (PDF, 15.1 KB, 3 pages) sets out:

  • classes of information we publish as a matter of course
  • how this information will be published
  • whether the information is available free of charge or on payment
  • organisational information such as: Committee structure, membership and procedures
  • what we’ve done and the advice we’ve given
  • summary minutes of meetings, annual and other reports
  • cost of meetings including: members’ travel and subsistence, preparation and attendance, and other costs incurred
  • lists and registers

The aim of the publication scheme is to define those classes of information that we routinely publish. The scheme is therefore relatively high level so for more individual documents please browse the website under the relevant subject areas.


We welcome suggestions for additional classes of information that could be included in the publication scheme. We also welcome suggestions as to how the information products and publications could be improved. Any questions, comments or complaints about this scheme should be sent to