Serious Fraud Office

Y diweddaraf gennym

Ein gwaith

The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) fights complex financial crime, delivers justice for victims and protects the UK’s reputation as a safe place to do business.

SFO is a non-ministerial department.

Darllenwch fwy am beth rydyn ni'n wneud

Dilynwch ni


Canllawiau a rheoliadau

Gweld yr holl ganllawiau a rheoliadau

Papurau polisi ac ymgynghoriadau

Gweld yr holl bapurau polisi ac ymgynghoriadau

Gwybodaeth a ryddhawyd o dan FOI a thryloywder

Gweld yr holl wybodaeth a ryddhawyd o dan FOI a thryloywder

Ein rheolwyr

Interim Director of Legal Services
Chief Operating Officer
Interim Director of Operations
Interim Chair of the Board
Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director

Cysylltu â ni

Office address

2-4 Cockspur Street
United Kingdom


020 7239 7272

For journalists with a news related enquiry please contact or +44 (0)7557 009842.

You can find content prior to 1 December 2024 at The National Archives

Gwneud cais Rhyddid Gwybodaeth

  1. Darllenwch am y Ddeddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth a sut i wneud cais.
  2. Gwiriwch y wybodaeth a ryddhawyd gennym eisoes i weld ydyn ni eisoes wedi ateb eich cwestiwn.
  3. Gallwch wneud cais newydd drwy gysylltu â ni gan ddefnyddio'r manylion isod.

Freedom of Information

Public Relations and Information, The Serious Fraud Office
2-4 Cockspur Street
United Kingdom