Our governance

The National Information Board is overseen by DH's Informatics Accountable Officer, through the National Information Director.

The work of the National Information Board (NIB) is overseen by the Department of Health’s Informatics Accountable Officer (IAO) through the National Information Director who chairs the Board.

The NIB defines and agrees the strategy, requirements and priorities for information technology across health and care. It makes sure that system leaders work together to deliver the framework for improving health and well-being through data and information technology. Its members include a wide range of bodies from health and care and includes lay members.

The Department of Health’s Informatics Accountable Officer (IAO) has responsibility for the overall oversight and assurance of information technology and information in health and care, including the NIB framework for data and information technology; the governance arrangements that are in place; for the way the system is regulated and held to account; and for delivering benefits for patients and citizens.

For details, see full terms of reference for the NIB