About us

The Independent Reconfiguration Panel provides independent advice to the government about reconfigurations and changes to NHS services in England.

Our responsibilities

The Independent Reconfiguration Panel is responsible for:

  • advising ministers on the use of the call in power under schedule 10A of the NHS Act 2006
  • providing formal advice to ministers about called in reconfiguration proposals
  • providing formal advice to ministers on proposals referred prior to 31 January 2024 under the Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny Regulations) 2013
  • considering any other issues referred to the IRP by ministers as appropriate

The government expects that wherever possible disagreements are resolved locally without recourse to ministers. To assist this, the IRP will also offer informal advice on reconfiguration issues to NHS organisations, local authorities and other interested parties upon request.

Who we are

The IRP is chaired by Professor Sir Norman Williams, former president of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

The chair is supported by a panel of up to 15 members made up of senior clinicians, NHS managers and lay representatives who are appointed on merit by ministers in accordance with the Governance Code for Public Appointments published by the Cabinet Office.

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