World news story

Waste management opportunities increasing in Greece

New strategy and policy in the Greek waste management sector creates opportunities for UK experts.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

A recent international conference organised by the Attica (Athens) region on ‘Sustainable, Environmentally and Financially Sound Waste Management’ outlined new opportunities in this sector.

The aim of the conference was to revisit the existing waste management model of the Attica region and create a new strategy inside the legal framework of European and national legislation. This would move the region towards a decentralised model of sustainable, environmentally and financially sound waste management which engaged local communities and citizens.

Opportunities in waste management

New projects are expected to be announced.

Severe penalties were imposed on Greece by the European Union (EU) for inappropriate waste management after 4 tenders were cancelled by the previous government.

Opportunities will arise for UK companies with expertise in:

  • waste management
  • recycling
  • energy from waste

UK expertise in waste management

Mr Sotiris Leontaris, Head of UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) Athens was invited to speak at the second day of the Attica conference alongside distinguished speakers from many countries.

He presented the priorities of UK policy for waste and shared the UK experience in waste prevention, waste crime and recycling.

Sotiris Leontaris said,

A key priority for the government is to boost growth in the economy while continuing to improve the environment. Government’s role is to facilitate the move away from the old-fashioned linear model of ‘make, use, dispose’ towards one where we keep material resources in circulation and value our products for longer - as we move towards a more circular economy.


Contact UKTI Greece for advice and support if you are looking to expand your business in Greece.

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Published 20 February 2015