World news story

UK-Egyptian partnership in education has enormous potential

UK trade envoy says UK-Egyptian partnership in education has enormous potential for Egypt’s future

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government

Jeffrey Donaldson MP, Prime Minister David Cameron’s trade envoy to Egypt, has hailed the UK and Egypt’s partnership on education as a vital investment for Egypt’s future.

Donaldson said:

More than Egypt’s abundant natural resources or its matchless heritage, it is Egypt’s young people who are this country’s most valuable asset. What will most help Egypt succeed in the next fifty years will be investment in education and giving young people opportunities and skills.

The UK and Egypt are already close education partners. Last month, British and Egyptian universities signed ten partnerships to boost collaborative work and research. Our governments are working together closely on education reform. And through scholarships, examinations, and language teaching, the UK is giving many young Egyptians opportunities to make the most of their future.

Donaldson’s comments came as he met the President of Alexandria University, Professor Roushdy Zahran; and the President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Professor Ismail Abdel Ghaffar in Alexandria to discuss emerging business opportunities for British education providers.

Earlier this week in Cairo, Donaldson also met representatives from across the education sector to discuss how British companies can step up provision of vocational education and training in Egypt.

2016 is the British-Egyptian Year of Research, Innovation, and Education. The year builds on the two countries’ strong existing partnership and a wide range of UK efforts to support young Egyptians with education and skills. Since 2010, the British Council has helped 75,000 Egyptians learn English or gain internationally-renowned UK qualifications. Through the prestigious Chevening Awards programme, the UK has offered 170 postgraduate scholarships to Egyptians over the last five years; the number for the next five years is expected to reach over 300. The £20m Newton-Mosharafa science and innovation fund was launched in 2014 and is expected to provide funding for over 300 PhD scholarships, placement schemes, and post-doctorate fellowships.

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Published 9 February 2016