World news story

Support for Macedonia in Environmental Accession for EU

British Embassy launches project assistance in Macedonia for managing EU environment legislation.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Ambassador Yvon and minister Ademi sign Memorandum of Understanding for project support.

On 17 June in Skopje our Ambassador, Christopher Yvon, and Abdulaqim Ademi, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning of Macedonia launched a UK project in support of Macedonia in the area of environment. The new project will strengthen the capacities of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning to prepare for eventual EU accession negotiations under Chapter 27: the Environmental Acquis which is one of the most complex chapters in EU legislation.

Speaking at the project launch Ambassador Yvon said:

This Chapter of the Acquis is very special in many ways. It has more EU legislation than most EU Chapters, containing almost one third of the Acquis instruments. This represents a major challenge for Governments, business and civil society. The more Macedonia is prepared for Acquis implementation, the more rapidly it can move through the negotiation stages. Moreover, the reforms are good in their own right, in terms of environmental benefits.

The title of the project is ‘Management of EU Accession in Environment.’ It will be implemented by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of Macedonia and facilitated by International Management Group. The project is supported by the British Embassy in Macedonia and will last from June 2013 to March 2015.

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Published 17 June 2013