World news story

Seminar presented in Chile by the London School of Economics

Experts from the London School of Economics discussed the opportunities and challenges facing 21st century cities like Santiago.

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Ambassador Fiona Clouder at reception previous to the Seminar.

Ambassador Fiona Clouder at reception previous to the Seminar.

On 7 October, Her Majesty’s Ambassador, Fiona Clouder, held a reception on the occasion of the ‘Urban Reevolution’ conference on future cities. This seminar was organised by the London School of Economics Cities Programme, in conjunction with the Higher Management Network of Universidad del Desarrollo and the Chilean Chamber of Construction. The seminar was an opportunity to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing 21st century cities like Santiago. Intendente Claudio Orrego and Mayor Carolina Toha attended the reception.

On the occasion of the reception, Ambassador Clouder said:

It is a pleasure to welcome you to my Residence on the occasion of the international conference ‘Chile: Revolucion Urbana’, to be held tomorrow.

The conference covers the future of our cities. With an ever increasing proportion of the global population living in cities, issues such as urban planning, sustainability and city leadership are at the forefront of the minds of policymakers, academics and citizens alike.

Such complex issues need interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration. The conference is a wonderful example of such collaboration, between the London School of Economics Cities Programme, the Red de Alta Direccion of the Universidad de Desarrollo and the Camara Chilena de Construccion.

I am particularly pleased that two academics from the LSE Cities Programme, Ricky Burdett and Philipp Rode, have travelled to Chile for this initiative. Their programme is dedicated to the understanding of contemporary urban society. The UK has some interesting experiences to share on this understanding: be it through the regeneration of East London for the 2012 Olympics, the adoption of green building practices across the country or the development of quality public transport systems such as in London, Newcastle and Manchester.

I am sure that the conference tomorrow will be a huge success, and hope that it can be the start of an ongoing relationship between the UK and Chile in this area.

Futher information

For more information about this event, contact Karl Zammit-Maempel, Head of Economic Affairs and Climate Change, British Embassy, Santiago.

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Published 13 October 2014