News story

Secretary of State for Scotland holds first Business Summit

Representatives of Scotland's leading business organisations and trade unions met the Secretary of State for Scotland in Edinburgh today (Friday 14 May) to discuss ways of working together to help get Scotland working.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Representatives of Scotland’s leading business organisations and trade unions met the Secretary of State for Scotland in Edinburgh today (Friday 14 May) to discuss ways of working together to help get Scotland working.

Representatives of CBI Scotland, the STUC, Institute of Directors, the Scottish Council for Development and Industry and Federation of Small Businesses met Danny Alexander at the Scotland Office on his first visit to Scotland as a Cabinet Minister. The Scotland Office Minister David Mundell also attended the meeting.

Issues such as the economy, the Calman Commission report and constructive working with the Scottish Government were raised. The Secretary of State said the new coalition government would listen closely to the concerns and needs of Scottish business and that the new spirit of co-operation would see a common effort to secure the economic recovery.

The Secretary of State said:

“I am keen to listen the voice of Scottish business and to let them know this government will work hand in hand with them to put our country back on the road to recovery. I made it clear there are many challenges ahead but I am confident that, working together, we can work our way towards a better and stronger future. I look forward to engaging fully with Scotland’s businesses and employers in the future.”

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Published 14 May 2010