News story

Reappointments of chairmen to key housing organisations

Robert Napier has been reappointed to serve an additional three-year term as chairman of the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). It comes amid…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Robert Napier has been reappointed to serve an additional three-year term as chairman of the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).

It comes amid plans by the Government for radical reforms following the Comprehensive Spending Review, that will lead to the Homes and Communities Agency becoming a smaller, enabling agency.

Alongside Mr Napier, Anthony Mayer will continue in his role as Chair of the Tenant Services Authority (TSA) overseeing its abolition and preparing it for the transfer of its responsibilities for economic regulation and consumer protection to the Homes and Communities Agency in April 2012, after which he will step down.

Richard McCarthy, Director General, Neighbourhoods Group, said:

The reappointment of both chairmen is very welcome, given their standing in their respective sectors and the need for continuity during this crucial time for the reform of housing investment and regulation and change in their organisations.

**Biography of Robert Napier
**Robert Napier took up the post of Chairman of English Partnerships in January 2008, having been a Non-Executive Director since March 2004 and became Chair designate of the Homes and Communities Agency in June 2008, then chair from December that year. Robert is also Chairman of the Board of the Met Office. He was Chief Executive of WWF-UK, the UK arm of the World Wide Fund for Nature from 1999 to April 2007. Before that he spent 16 years at Redland plc, where he was successively Financial Director, Managing Director and Chief Executive.

He is currently a Non-Executive Director of Anglian Water Services.

Robert was formerly Chairman of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Transport Policy Committee and President of the National Council of Building Material Producers. He has also recently retired from the position of Chair for the trustees of the Carbon Disclosure Project.

**Biography of Anthony Mayer
**Anthony Mayer has been chair of the Tenant Services Authority since April 2008. He joined the Civil Service in 1967, based in the Department of the Environment. He was a member of the Central Policy Review Staff and Principal Private Secretary to two Secretary of States for Transport.

He left the Civil Service in 1985 to join the merchant bank N. M. Rothschild and Sons where he became a Managing Director. In 1991 he was appointed Chief Executive of the Housing Corporation. In 2000 he was appointed interim Chief Executive of Transport for London. Later that year was appointed as Chief Executive of the Greater London Authority and held that post until 2008.

Aside from chairing the Tenant Services Authority, he is Chairman of the London Pensions Fund Authority.

Notes to editors

1. Robert Napier and Anthony Mayer’s reappointments have been made in accordance with the Code of Practice of the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments (OCPA). All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity (if any declared) to be made public. They have declared no political activity.

2. Both Robert Napier and Anthony Mayer have agreed to a five per cent reduction in remuneration to reflect the Government’s commitment to driving down public sector reward. In addition, both have agreed to increase their existing time commitment by 25 per cent for no further reward to ensure the effective transition of their respective organisations.

3. Robert Napier’s appointment is for three years and attracts a remuneration of £85,500 per annum. This reflects a 5 per cent reduction on his previous remuneration. Robert Napier has also committed to an increase in his minimum time commitment of 0.5 days per week for which he will receive no additional reward.

4. Anthony Mayer’s appointment is until the abolition of the Tenant Services Authority (31 March 2012) and attracts a remuneration of £80,750 per annum. This reflects a 5 per cent reduction in his previous remuneration. Anthony Mayer has also committed to an increase in his minimum time commitment of 0.5 days per week for which he will receive no additional reward.


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Published 23 May 2011