Press release

New inquests to be held into the deaths of a civilian and 8 IRA men

New inquests are to be held into the deaths of a civilian and 8 IRA men who died on 8 May 1987 at Loughgall, the Advocate General for Northern Ireland, Jeremy Wright QC has announced.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
Jeremy Wright QC MP

Jeremy Wright QC MP said:

Following careful consideration of a huge amount of material I have come to the decision that new inquests into the Loughgall deaths are justified. The new inquests will establish who has died, and how, when and where the death occurred. The Coroners Service for Northern Ireland will now take this forward.

The Advocate General has today informed the families, the Coroner and the Attorney General for Northern Ireland of his decision.

Material held by the government relevant to the decision whether to open fresh inquests was national security sensitive, which is why the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Theresa Villiers asked the Advocate General for Northern Ireland to take the decision.

The Advocate General for Northern Ireland is an independent law officer in the same way as the Attorney General for Northern Ireland. He made the decision independent of government.

The matter will now pass to the Coroners Service for Northern Ireland to take forward.

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Published 23 September 2015