News story

Moore: Responsible Government means tough decisions

The Secretary of State for Scotland Michael Moore has said the government's four-year deficit reduction plan is the only responsible course of action in dealing with the deficit.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Secretary of State for Scotland Michael Moore has said the government’s four-year deficit reduction plan is the only responsible course of action in dealing with the deficit.

Speaking ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review on Wednesday, he said:

“The scale of the dreadful financial legacy we inherited means we have to act. Failing to get to grips with the challenges our economy face is not an option.

“The record peacetime deficit that we inherited will get worse if it is ignored. The choice is to reduce it fairly and now or pay longer and more. We didn’t create this mess but good governments face reality and take responsibility. Bad ones stick their heads in the sand.”

“The time for responsibility and hard choices is here. The coalition government is clear that we can’t burden our children and grandchildren with the bill the last government ran up.

“The economy may be in a difficult state but we are working to set that right. The one state no one in this country can afford to be in is denial.”

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Published 18 October 2010