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Launch of The Wellbeing Alphabet™ to an international education audience in Athens

La Linguistica, a British-based global consultancy in wellbeing, health and education, presented their new programme, The Wellbeing Alphabet™.

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The launch took place at an exclusive event at the British Residence in Athens on Thursday 27 October 2016. It was introduced to representatives from British Schools overseas, Teaching staff had the opportunity to review the programme and speak directly to the Founder, Ms Nathalie Carter, a graduate from the London School of Economics and Political Science, with experience in British Local Government, The National Health Service and the Department for Education. The event was held in conjunction with an Early Years Conference hosted by The Council of British International Schools (COBIS), which took place at Byron College in Athens on 28 & 29 October 2016.

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La Linguistica are a global consultancy in wellbeing, health and education and are accredited supporting members of COBIS. They aim to implement The Wellbeing Alphabet™ worldwide with The Wellbeing Alphabet™ words already translated into twenty-two languages, including Greek.

The full programme is currently available in English and teaches wellbeing words through the framework of the English alphabet, from A to Z. The programme has a focus on wellbeing words and their meanings, rather than phonetics. The Wellbeing Alphabet™ aims to equip children with the vocabulary and skills to explore emotional literacy and goals, through a creative approach incorporating film, arts and crafts, drama, dance and music. The Wellbeing Alphabet™ is appropriate for all children aged four to nine, particularly the early years. The programme was developed by Ms Nathalie Carter with input from her own son, between the ages of five and six and following consultation with schools in Britain, along with international families. It complements school curriculums and has been shown to be of benefit to aspects connected to Literacy, British Values and Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

In view of the launch, Director of La Linguistica and Founder of The Wellbeing Alphabet™, Ms Nathalie Carter said:

It is an honour to launch The Wellbeing Alphabet™ at the British Embassy in Athens. Given that the word alphabet derives from the Greek ‘alphabētos’, it is ideal that our global launch has commenced in Greece. Global understanding on emotions and behaviour is essential and The Wellbeing Alphabet™ offers a new learning opportunity for children worldwide. Emotional wellbeing concerns our behaviours, how we feel about ourselves, and life in general, and it is essential for good mental health. Research evidences the potential of wellbeing to contribute to academic achievement and life outcomes including health and economic skills. By introducing The Wellbeing Alphabet™ into primary education, we hope to make a lasting difference to children’s lives. La Linguistica believe in a high quality approach to highlight the significance of the subject. We are delighted to partner with the Department for International Trade and the British Embassy.

Speaking on behalf of COBIS, CEO Colin Bell, said:

COBIS is pleased to support the launch of The Wellbeing Alphabet™ ahead of the COBIS EYFS Conference at Byron College. COBIS is committed to providing high levels of quality assurance for British Schools worldwide and prioritise rigorous standards and school improvement across all phases. High quality Early Years provision, professional development and resources are vital to give children the best possible start to their educational journey.


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Published 2 November 2016