World news story

Launch of new educational tools for children in Macedonia

British Embassy and OXO promote children books as part of the ‘We are all equal’ project in primary schools in Macedonia.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Launch of new educational tools for children in Macedonia.

Launch of new educational tools for children in Macedonia.

Learning about our rights, responsibilities, equality and diversity are the main messages that the new children’s books are delivering, which were launched as part of a British Embassy supported project on 16 October in the primary school Lazo Angelovski in Skopje. The ‘We are all equal’ project works on promoting interethnic, intercultural interaction and social cohesion among primary school children in Macedonia.

The children books are produced in Macedonian and Albanian language. The authors of the children’s books spoke about their motivation to tailor the books which will deliver synchronised messages about the importance of living together. Among speakers at the launch event were our ambassador Charles Garrett, the head teacher of the school Milka Trimchevska, and the director of OXO Pece Taleski.

Ambassador Charles Garrett said:

I would like to wish success to all children, to learn and have fun with these books. I hope they will learn new things, and most of all I hope they will learn that we are all equal, no matter where we come from or in what language we speak. We all need to uphold our common values, rights, rules and responsibility. To respect each other, learn from each other and live with each other.

The ‘We are all equal’ project is implemented by OXO - Association for education communication and consulting in partnership with the Ministry of Education in Macedonia and the Bureau for Development of Education in the period of June 2013-March 2015.

Find out more about the We are all equal project

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Published 17 October 2014