News story

IPO event: Exploring trade marks in China, India, Turkey and South Africa

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is holding an event on 27 November 2015, exploring trade marks in China, India, Turkey and South Africa.

Conference chairs

Exploring trade marks in China, India, Turkey and South Africa

You are invited to the IPO’s exciting seminar on trade marks in China, India, Turkey and South Africa on 27 November 2015 at the Intellectual Property Office in London. The event will run from 9am to midday and places will be limited.

UK investment in trade marks reached £14 billion, equal to approximately 0.9% of total UK GDP. Companies understand the importance and benefits of effective trade mark protection. Those that file are on average 7% more productive than those that do not.

International trading provides access to new revenue streams and China, India, Turkey and South Africa are major markets for international trade. The prominence of China in the global economy has changed markedly over the last 20 years. China is now the world’s second largest economy. Similarly, India is projected to be the world’s third largest economy by 2030. For example, last year the UK invested around £2 billion in India, more than any other G20 country and more than Japan and the US combined. Turkey’s significant economic growth, geographical position and rapidly expanding population offer significant opportunities for UK businesses. There are currently over 2,500 UK businesses operating in the country. South Africa is often described as the powerhouse of Africa. Annual bilateral trade with the UK is currently worth almost £10 billion. With the most sophisticated and developed economy on the continent, good infrastructure, and an expanding middle class, it’s the gateway to Africa for UK investors.

To take advantage of international opportunities, UK companies must effectively manage their intellectual property rights.

The UK Intellectual Property Office would like to invite you to the Exploring Trade Marks in China, India, Turkey and South Africa event in London. This event brings together businesses and legal professionals with experience in each market to discuss the legal frameworks, and practices and pitfalls, in Trade Mark registration and enforcement.

This will be an excellent opportunity for delegates to pose their questions to the speakers in what will be a highly interactive session. There will also be a chance to continue the discussion with the speakers and network with other businesses during the event.


Timing Topic Speaker
9:10am to 9:20am Reception and networking  
9:20am to 9:25am Opening remarks from the UK IPO Andrew Davidson, Head of Global Cooperation and Development at the Intellectual Property Office
9:25am to 9:30am Opening remarks from the Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (ITMA) Catherine Wolfe, Boult Wade Tennant, Immediate Past President of the ITMA
9:30am to 10:30am Trade mark law and its impact on business in China , India, South Africa and Turkey Mr Richard Goddard, in-house Counsel at BP, Treasurer of ITMA

Mr Sanjay Kapur, Potter Clarkson

Mr Darren Olivier, Adams & Adams

Mr Duncan Mee, Cerberus Trade mark & IP Research
10:30am to 11:30am Q&A Session  
11:30am to midday Closing remarks and networking  


Intellectual Property Office
4 Abbey Orchard Street

Date and time

  • 27 November 2015
  • 9:30am to 12 midday

How to register to attend

Places are limited, so if you would like to attend please email Melda Kazim.

Please specify your region of interest:

  • China
  • India
  • Turkey
  • South Africa

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Published 16 November 2015