News story

Graduates key to success of Beacon Barracks development

A team of graduates is helping to successfully deliver the £100 million redevelopment of Beacon Barracks in Stafford.

Lend Lease Graduates (from left) Sam Betts, Bobby Bolton and Kumbi Midzi

Lend Lease Graduates (from left) Sam Betts, Bobby Bolton and Kumbi Midzi (Crown Copyright/2015)

A total of 14 graduates are currently employed by Lend Lease, the firm contracted by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), to carry out a major transformation of the Beaconside site.

Nine are working as Graduate Construction Managers, 3 as Graduate Commercial Managers and 2 as Graduate Planners. There are also a number of former graduates who are now operating in more senior roles on the development.

The redevelopment of the barracks is part of the army’s BORONA programme, which is preparing for the arrival of 2 signal regiments from Germany.

When complete, the site will provide new workshops, single living accommodation, offices, garages, a junior ranks catering, retail and leisure facility, training, sports and medical services.

Significant progress has been made on the project with building completions due to start this month.

DIO Principal Project Manager Stuart Gallacher said:

We are working closely with Lend Lease to transform Beacon Barracks into a major hub for the armed forces in Stafford.

We have been impressed by the commitment and hard work that the graduates have shown and they have proved a real asset to this important project. This demonstrates the importance of such schemes in shaping the future of construction.

Paul Dawson, Lend Lease’s Project Director, said:

Our Lend Lease graduate programme runs over 2 years and is designed to enhance graduates’ skills and experience, helping individuals build a career and allowing them to work in a variety of roles, functions and regions across our Construction and Development businesses.

All of our current and former Beacon Barracks graduates are performing very well and have immersed themselves fully in the programme.

We provide them all with ongoing support, training and expertise to help broaden their understanding of the property and construction industry as a whole. Historically, our graduates have gone on to have successful careers at Lend Lease, and we are proud to nurture such talent.

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Published 11 March 2015