News story

February Labour Market Statistics for Scotland

Unemployment in Scotland rose by 16,000, to 231,000 in the period October to December 2011, according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) data released today. The Scottish unemployment rate is 8.6 per cent, above the UK average of 8.4 per cent.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Unemployment in Scotland rose by 16,000, to 231,000 in the period October to December 2011, according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) data released today. The Scottish unemployment rate is 8.6 per cent, above the UK average of 8.4 per cent.

The labour market statistics also show employment in Scotland has decreased by 20,000 over the three months to October - December 2011. The number of those in employment in Scotland now stands at 2,458,000.

The Scotland Office Minister David Mundell said:

“These figures are disappointing and show there are many challenges ahead for the Scottish and UK Governments. Each number we see today is not merely a statistic; it is an individual or family directly affected by unemployment.  That is why we are determined to do all we can to create the right conditions for the private sector to create long-term, sustainable jobs. The increased international uncertainty makes it all the more critical for the whole of the UK economy to maintain market confidence. This government’s policies are achieving that aim.

“Today’s figures also show youth unemployment continues to be a cause of great concern. The Secretary of State will chair a National Convention on Youth Employment in Dundee in March. This will bring together Ministers from both the UK and Scottish Governments, officials from their respective agencies, employers and representatives from the many organisations involved in supporting young people into work.”

* Employment in Scotland fell by 20,000 over the quarter, and fell by 28,000 over the year to stand at 2,458,000.

* The Scots employment rate fell over the quarter to 70.7 per cent. The rate is above the UK average of 70.3 per cent.

* Unemployment in Scotland increased by 16,000 over the quarter and rose by 15,000 over the year.  The level now stands at 231,000.

* At 8.6 per cent, the Scots unemployment rate is now above the UK rate as a whole which stands at 8.4%.

* Economic Activity fell by 4,000 over the quarter and now stands at 2,689,000. The Economic Activity rate remained unchanged over the quarter, and stands at 77.5 per cent.

* In January 2012, the number of people out of work and claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) was 141,200.

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Published 15 February 2012