News story

DECC consults on proposed Welsh Language Scheme

DECC has today launched an eight-week consultation to seek stakeholders’ views on its proposed Welsh Language Scheme, to ensure the scheme is…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

DECC has today launched an eight-week consultation to seek stakeholders’ views on its proposed Welsh Language Scheme, to ensure the scheme is easy to understand and will meet the needs of Welsh-speaking people.

The scheme has been prepared in accordance with the Welsh Language Board’s guidelines under the Welsh Language Act 1993 and it is hoped it will be formally approved by the Welsh Language Board following the consultation process. It describes how DECC will take forward the principle established by the Act that, in the conduct of public business and the administration of justice in Wales, the Welsh and English languages should be treated on a basis of equality.

Under the Welsh Language Act 1993 every public body providing services to the public in Wales has to prepare a scheme in Welsh setting out how it will provide those services.

Any individual or organisation with an interest in these issues is invited to respond to this consultation by the deadline of 23 May 2011.

Please send your comments to:

  • Email:
  • Post: Stakeholder Engagement Team
    Department of Energy and Climate Change
    5th Floor Area B,
    3 Whitehall Place
    London SW1A 2AW

Read the draft scheme

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Published 28 March 2011