News story

CNC memorabilia donated to Dounreay policing unit

The widow of a retired Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) officer returned to Dounreay last month to present some of his memorabilia to current serving officers.

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Pictured left to right: PC Gill Coghill, Sgt Jacqueline Mackay, Sgt Karen Tadd, Sgt Chris Donaghy, Mrs Williams-Blake, Sgt Paul Brown and Supt Martin O’Kane

PC Phil Williams-Blake retired from the CNC on 13 May 2008 following 29-years service and sadly passed away in 2015. Phil served at Sellafield and Dounreay during his time at CNC, as well as carrying out the role of drill instructor at the CNC Training School for a number of years, putting new recruits through their paces.

Last month his widow, Mrs Jacqueline Williams-Blake presented the Dounreay Operational Policing Unit (OPU) with Phil’s sash and pace stick, along with some UK Atomic Energy Authority Constabulary and CNC memorabilia collected by Phil over the years.

Supt Martin O’Kane said: “I had the pleasure of working with Phil for over 30 years’ and he was a much respected colleague and friend, not only to myself but to officers and staff at Dounreay and throughout the CNC.

“The items donated to us by Jacqueline now have pride of place at the Dounreay OPU Reception for everyone who visits the site to see.”

Pictured left to right: PC Gill Coghill, Sgt Jacqueline Mackay, Sgt Karen Tadd, Sgt Chris Donaghy, Mrs Williams-Blake, Sgt Paul Brown and Supt Martin O’Kane.

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Published 7 June 2016