World news story

British support to the Macedonian civil sector

Providing awards for best applicants from the civil society in Macedonia for a peer to peer exchange with British civil society partners.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Providing awards for best applicants from the civil society in Macedonia for a peer to peer exchange with British civil society partners.

Ambassador Garrett and partners awarded best applicants from the civil society in Macedonia for a peer to peer exchange with British civil society partners.

The British Embassy in Macedonia with its partners today awarded the three best applicants from the Macedonian civil society who will have the opportunity to strengthen by learning from British counterparts, as part of the Civil Society Peer Exchanges project, managed by Euclid Network. Focusing on human rights, advocacy, transparency and economic opportunities, the project is creating links between civil society in the UK and Macedonia to strengthen capacity and support democratic reform in the areas of financial sustainability, policy and advocacy, social innovation and entrepreneurship and transparency and accountability.

Our ambassador Charles Garrett along with Luisa De Amicis, Director of Programmes and Deputy Head of Euclid Network, and the CIRa representative Zoran Stojkovski congratulated the best applicants for their awards and commended them for their efforts.

Ambassador Garrett said:

This type of programme is important. It contributes to a stronger civil society sector. It helps its growth, development and sustainability. A strong civil society is essential for democracies. It is a watchdog of the government’s accountability, a voice of the citizens and can propose changes for a better future. Often, civil society provides the most creative ideas and the most significant expertise. Therefore, there is a need for constant consultation to strengthen the capacities of this sector, so that it can contribute more effectively to the system of checks and balances we need in the democracies in which we live.

Winners of the awards are Vera Zlateva, from the Centre for Assistance and Care of Women Infected and Treated for Cancer from Sveti Nikole for policy-making and advocacy challenge, Milan Tancevski, from Civil Media Centre: The Voice of Civil Society in Macedonia – OXO for transparency and accountability challenge and Frosina Simonovska, from Poraka Nasa, Kumanovo for financial sustainability challenge – sustainable social enterprise. In the course of February 2015 these representatives will have the opportunity to stay in the UK and work on developing their ideas with their British partners from the civil society.

The project is implemented in the period of June 2014 to March 2015 as part of the British Embassy programme assistance efforts to Macedonia.

Find more about Euclid Network and the Civil Society Peer Exchanges project

British Embassy Programme Assistance

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Published 17 December 2014