World news story

Ambassador For A Day competition in Lebanon

This is a great opportunity for girls in Lebanon to become an Ambassador for a Day!

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government
Ambassador for a Day Competition

Lebanon 'Ambassador for a Day' Competition

The British Embassy in Beirut is launching the ‘Ambassador For A Day’ competition where winners will be able to shadow an Ambassador in Lebanon for one day. The competition aims to encourage young girls to become leaders and advocates for change.

The theme of the competition is Embrace Equity which is the theme for this year’s International Women’s Day, 8 March 2023. All girls aged 15-18 years old and who are not at university are eligible. The competition is open from now until 9 February 2023.

The winners will be invited as Guests of Honour to the British Embassy Beirut. Each winner will be paired with an Ambassador in Lebanon to spend a day with them and their Embassy. This promises to be an unforgettable opportunity to build skills in diplomacy, confidence and leadership.

We encourage girls living in Lebanon and from all backgrounds to apply.

To enter, participants should submit either a video or short essay in English or Arabic answering the question:

If you were ambassador for a day, what is one step you would take to help create a fair and equal society?

For the full competition details and how to enter:

How to Enter (EN) BEB Ambassador for a Day

Competition terms and conditions:

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Published 10 January 2023
Last updated 10 January 2023 + show all updates
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