Press release

£2.3 million of improvements for the A36 near Bath start on Monday

Road users are reminded that essential work to stabilise a road embankment along the A36 near Bath in Somerset will start on the A36 Monday, 2 March on the A36.

The £2.3 million scheme, on a three mile section of the A36 between Brassknocker Hill and Hantone Hill, is being carried out to correct geotechnical faults in the bank underneath the road that are resulting in damage to the road surface. While the work is taking place it will be necessary to close the road completely between Brassknocker Hill and Hantone Hill due to the size of equipment needed to undertake the work and also for the safety of our workers and road users. Brassknocker Hill will remain open to vehicles below 7.5 tonnes but road users are advised to expect increased volumes of traffic . Vehicles over 7.5 tonnes will be required to travel via the clearly signed diversion route, due to weight restrictions on this road.

Highways Agency Project Sponsor, Rachel Scott, said, “We have considered the works very carefully but a full closure of the road will be necessary to accommodate the size of equipment needed to complete this very important work.

“Everything possible is being done to keep disruption to an absolute minimum and complete the works as quickly as possible. We would like to thank road users for their patience while we carry out this essential maintenance work and remind them to plan their routes, allowing around 30 minutes extra to complete their journeys.”

Work starts on Monday 2 March 2015 and is expected to be completed by the middle of June. While the closure is in place northbound through traffic will be diverted from the A36 just west of Warminster to take the A350 north to Chippenham where traffic would join the A4 west to Bath.

Southbound through traffic would be diverted at Bath to take the A4 east towards Chippenham and then south on the A350 to join the A36 west of Warminster.

Access will be maintained for residents and local businesses throughout the works.

During the closure buses on route 265 will need to use the A363 “Sally-in-the-Woods” road to travel between Bradford on Avon and Bath. As this service does not stop at Winsley village, Limpley Stoke or the Winsley Road in Bradford the Highways Agency will be providing a special shuttle bus service between Winsley and Bradford on Avon, which will connect at Bradford with buses to Bath, Trowbridge and Warminster with transfer tickets available.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways Agency Information Line on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways Agency press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.

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Published 25 February 2015