Consultation outcome

ORR’s model connection contract: using the Consumer Price Index

This consultation has concluded

Detail of outcome

As a result of the consultation the Office of Rail and Road have decided to replace Retail Price Index with Consumer Price Index in their model connection contracts.

Original consultation


Seeks views on changing the Office of Rail and Road's model connection so that the Consumer Price Index is used for new contracts.

This consultation was held on another website.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The Office of Rail and Road are seeking feedback on proposed changes to the model connection contract. Our model connection contract sets out the rights and obligations of parties for the ongoing operation and maintenance (including renewal) of connections between railway networks. Our model is only designed for connections to Network Rail network.

As part of the 2018 periodic review (PR18) we said that we would use the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Network Rail’s track access contracts in Control Period 6 (2019 to 2024).

Updates to this page

Published 6 February 2019
Last updated 14 March 2019 + show all updates
  1. Outcome released.

  2. First published.

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