Case study

7 fire & rescue services save £807,000 on IT hardware

Crown Commercial Service has helped 7 fire and rescue services save an average of 26% on IT hardware through an aggregated further competition.

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Fire and Rescue Vehicle

The requirement

A group of fire and rescue services wanted to replace their in-vehicle Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) Devices as their current contracts were coming to an end.

The fire and rescue services were looking to upgrade their devices to enable a more enhanced method of accessing information on the ground and to provide additional flexibility, portability, and software compatibility for staff. The devices needed to be ruggedised, fixed or demountable and installed into each emergency vehicle.

We wanted to help the group achieve greater savings by standardising the requirement and aggregating the volume required. Taking these higher volumes to market meant the opportunity for greater savings.

The solution

Using the Crown Commercial Service Technology Products 2 framework (RM3733), a further competition was run, based on a standardised specification. The best overall offer in the market was obtained by taking into consideration both price and non-price factors. Sealed bids were received simultaneously from 3 suppliers, opened and evaluated on a specified deadline date leading to award of the contract.

The results

The aggregated procurement brought together common Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) Tablet requirements, including the installation, for 7 different fire and rescue services, totaling 763 devices.

Running an aggregated procurement achieved an indicative saving of 26% when compared to a blend of average bid prices and market pricing (where available).

This is the equivalent to a total saving of £807,000 for the customers who took part.

These results clearly demonstrate that by combining the requirements of different public sector organisations significant cost savings can quickly be realised.

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Published 20 June 2018