Get an uncertified electronic copy of your patent

You can order an uncertified electronic copy of a published UK patent or patent application.

You can use uncertified copies for personal reference or research.

You cannot use uncertified copies to register your patent outside the UK or to prove ownership, for example in a court case. You’ll need a certified copy instead.

How much it costs

Copies of an uncertified copy of a patent cost £5.

You can pay this using a debit or credit card, or an Intellectual Property Office (IPO) deposit account.

Some information about published UK patents, for example drawings and claims, is available free from the Online Patent Information and Document Inspection Service (Ipsum).

Before you start

To use this online service, you’ll need:

You can also choose to include a reference number. This can be any combination of letters and numbers up to a maximum of 20 characters. IPO will use it in any communications about your request.

Apply online

You cannot apply online from 1am to 3am (UK time).

Warning This service will be unavailable from 6:30am on Saturday 11 May to 10pm on Sunday 12 May.

Start now

Other ways to apply

You can also order an uncertified paper copy.

Fill in patents form 23 and post it. The address is on the form.

You can use this form to request uncertified copies for multiple patents or patent applications.