
eAlert: 1 February 2023

Published 8 February 2023

Applies to England

1. England Woodland Creation Offer: updates

See our revised updates.
Last month (5 January 2023) we informed you about the following:

EWCO rate review:

  • Standard Cost Item rates have been updated, a full list of the previous and revised rates is available to view in Operations Note 64 (link below)
  • the payment cap for Standard Cost Items has been increased for EWCO by 20%, going from £8,500 per hectare to £10,200 per hectare
  • maintenance payments have increased from £300 per hectare per year, to £350 per hectare per year

Please see: Payment rate revisions for the England Woodland Creation Offer: operations note 64 for more details of these payment changes.
New forms with the updated rates and cap have now been published on 

If you have not started your application or claim, please use these new forms. If you are already working on a current application or claim form, you can continue to do so, but you may only submit the previous forms up until 31 March 2023. After this date we will only accept applications and claims on the new forms (version 1.7 of Application form Part A, version 1.8 of Application form Part B and version 2.2 of the claim form).
EWCO Additional Contribution spatial targeting:

Last month (5 January 2023), we let you know that we were going to update the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) layers used for targeting the EWCO Flood Risk, Riparian Buffers, and Water Quality Additional Contributions (AC). This will help us ensure our targeting is accurate and that the benefits are encouraged and provided in the right locations. 


The updated layers have now been published on the Forestry Commission’s Map Browser. The old layers can still be viewed but have been moved to the ‘Legacy’ folder. Applications made based on the old layers, will be honoured until 31 March 2023. From 1 April 2023, applications that include these Additional Contributions must be eligible under the new spatial targeting layers.

New flexibility to the EWCO capital payments cap:

We have previously said that following feedback from stakeholders, we would soon be introducing the option of a Flexible Voluntary Cap on standard costs items. This means that a land manager can voluntarily choose to reduce their EWCO payments for standard costs to a minimum of £2,500 per hectare. This provides land managers more flexibility in choosing the amount of grant they would like to be paid and may help land managers demonstrate additionality to access private finance through ecosystems service markets.


The flexible cap is now available to use in the updated EWCO Application Form Part B on GOV.UK.

Please send any queries about any of the EWCO items above to:

New update: Lesser-known tree species

As part of a EWCO application, it is important applicants consider a wide range of tree species in their planting schemes to create resilient woodlands. We review the intended use of any lesser-known tree species to ensure its suitability. We have updated Part B of the EWCO Application Form to highlight where this additional check may be required. When you input a lesser-known tree species, this will now be highlighted on the form to you. This change also supports our processing so we can start the checks as soon as we have a valid application. Where you are using the Mixed Broadleaved (MB) or Mixed Conifer (MC) species categories, please provide a list of the species included in these mixtures. This will also support this check and help our processing. 

To learn more about these EWCO updates please join us for a webinar (details below).

Reminder: Biosecure Procurement for FC grants – what you need to do
All applicants to the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) and the Tree Health Pilot need to be aware of the biosecure procurement requirement.

 Prior to submitting your application, we recommend that you:

  • speak to nurseries to ensure they are aware of the requirement and will have sufficient supply to fulfil your order
  • check the business directory on the Plant Healthy website
  • ask nurseries not on the Plant Healthy directory if they are willing to apply for a Ready to Plant assessment for the stock you require
  • complete an exemption form if you will not be purchasing your trees from a commercial nursery 

For more information on the Biosecure Procurement, whether you are an applicant or a nursery, read our blog.

Please send enquiries to: or

2. Updates to the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) webinar

Register to discover more about our recent updates.

This webinar is primarily for existing agreement holders, current and potential applicants and their agents. It will take place on:

  • Thursday, 16 February
  • 2.30-3.30pm

We will provide more information on recently announced updates, including the implementation of the rates changes and the revised spatial targeting layers for the water Additional Contributions.

There will be time for Q&A and a recording will be made available on YouTube and circulated in the eAlert afterwards.

Book on Eventbrite

3. Environmental Land Management Schemes Update

Learn more about this update.

Last Thursday (26 January 2023), Defra published more information on the growth and rollout of the Environmental Land Management Schemes (ELM), along with details of the new standards for the Sustainable Farming Incentive in 2023. The update is available on GOV.UK where it:

  • sets out the actions, timescales and payment rates for the Sustainable Farming Incentive and Countryside Stewardship
  • provides more information on the evolved Countryside Stewardship scheme
  • announces a new round of Landscape Recovery, opening this year
  • introduces improvements to the Sustainable Farming Incentive, including six new standards that will become available this summer

The update is organised in sections, based on type of land and features. As well as updates on the environmental goods and services to be included in SFI and CS and the new SFI standards for 2023 it includes sections on woodland, trees and agroforestry, boundaries, and species recovery and management.
If you would like to know more, please read the Defra blog post about the announcement, or the full update on GOV.UK.

4. Environmental Improvement Plan (EIP) 2023

Find out more about the plan.

Five years ago the 25 Year Environment Plan (25YEP) set out Defra’s vision for a quarter-of-a-century of action to help the natural world regain and retain good health.

Yesterday (31 January 2023), Environment Secretary Dr Thérèse Coffey gave a keynote speech as the government published The Environmental Improvement Plan (EIP) 2023 for England – which is the first revision of the 25YEP. It builds on the 25YEP vision with a new plan setting out how Defra will work with landowners, communities and businesses to deliver each of the goals for improving the environment, matched with interim targets to measure progress. Taking these actions will help to restore nature, reduce environmental pollution, and increase the prosperity of our country.

The EIP includes the target to ‘Increase tree canopy and woodland cover from 14.5% to 16.5% of total land area in England by 2050, with a new interim target to increase this by 0.26% (equivalent to 34,000 hectares) by 31 January 2028, in line with the trajectory required to achieve the long-term target.’

Sir William Worsley, Chair of the Forestry Commission, who attended the keynote given by the Secretary of State, said:
‘‘We all need to work together to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, to address the steep decline in biodiversity, to better connect people with the natural world around them, and to create the green jobs of the future. Trees are at the very heart of this – the Forestry Commission has a key role to play in helping the Government achieve the targets laid out in this ambitious blueprint for a greener country and we look forward to doing so.’’

Read the EIP

5. Defra’s Trees and Forestry team: looking back at a busy year blog post

Find out more about our recent work.

We are now into our third planting season since the Nature for Climate Fund Tree Programme launched. Read more about the last 6 months delivering the Government’s commitment to treble tree planting in England by the end of 2025.

Read the blog

6. Development Woodland Officer programme

Apply now to become a Forestry Apprentice.

The application window for our 2023 Development Woodland Officer programme is now open. The Forestry Commission is looking for 15 people who want to kick start their career in forestry.

The deadline for applications is 26 February 2023.

Find out more and apply

7. National Apprenticeship Week, 6-12 February

Find out about our plan for the week.

Next week is National Apprenticeship Week and we will be promoting our Forestry Apprenticeship (jointly led with the University of Cumbria and Institute of Chartered Foresters) through a 2-hour live #AskAnApprentice Twitter Q&A from 12noon to 2pm on Wednesday 8 February. Anyone can join in to find out more about the apprenticeship and ask questions.

Our panel of experts will include four of our current apprentices, our Programme Lead Gareth Hopkins, and representatives from the Institute of Chartered Foresters and University of Cumbria. Participants can ask their questions to us in advance or on the day on Twitter @ForestryComm #AskAnApprentice.
One of our current apprentices, Tom, will also be taking over our Twitter channel for the day on Friday 10 February, to offer a glimpse into a day in the life of an apprentice.

Follow the FC on Twitter

8. Managing deer and squirrels in woodlands: training days

Learn more about habitat monitoring and the deer WS1 and squirrel WS3 supplements.

FS Deer Officers are hosting a series of in-person training days for anyone involved in woodland and deer management including: current and prospective applicants, agents, and landowners involved in Countryside Stewardship or woodland creation.
Booking and further details via Eventbrite: