Foreign travel advice


Warning FCDO advises against all but essential travel to parts of Peru.

Safety and security

This guide also has safety advice for regions of Peru.


There is a high threat of terrorist attack globally affecting UK interests and British nationals, including from groups and individuals who view the UK and British nationals as targets. Stay aware of your surroundings at all times.   

UK Counter Terrorism Policing has information and advice on staying safe abroad and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. Find out how to reduce your risk from terrorism while abroad.

Terrorism in Peru

Terrorist attacks in Peru cannot be ruled out.

Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners. Stay aware of your surroundings, keep up to date with local media reports and follow the advice of local authorities.

Political situation

Political protests in Peru are unpredictable and can escalate quickly. Demonstrations can become violent and lead to roadblocks, travel disruption, including trains, and suspension of immigration services at land borders. This is often without notice or notification of estimated re-opening timelines.

Local groups can announce strike action, with little or no notice, particularly in areas connected to mining. These may quickly spill over from one region to another. 

It’s illegal for foreigners in Peru to participate in political activities, including demonstrations against the government. You may face detention or deportation if you take part in a demonstration. To reduce any risk:

  • avoid large gatherings and protests
  • stay in a safe place
  • follow the instructions of army or police officers
  • take the advice of local authorities or tour operators
  • monitor local media, including social media channels
  • be wary of unverified, unofficial information
  • make sure you travel with enough food, water, local currency and personal medication
  • allow extra time to reach your destination

Protests in Lima often happen in the historic centre, where access can be restricted, but they can also spread to other areas. Other regions that have seen recent protests include Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cusco, La Libertad, Madre de Dios and Puno.

Some train services in the south, including those to and from Machu Picchu, are occasionally suspended or disrupted because of protests. Contact your travel provider for further advice on disruptions, and check if changes need to be made to your journey.

Contact an iPeru office or iPeru online for help with issues travelling to different regions of Peru.

The British Embassy’s ability to provide help will be very limited where protests or criminal activity results in travel disruption or damage to the infrastructure.

Help from local authorities, including police and emergency services, will also be very limited, especially if airports, roads and railroads are affected.


Organised crime

There is a higher risk to your safety in areas where there is organised crime and terrorism linked to drug production. This includes the border areas with Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil and the Valley of Apurímac, Ene and Mantaro rivers (VRAEM). Remnants of the Shining Path terrorist movement are still active in some of the main coca growing areas in central Peru (Alto Huallaga, Aguaytia and VRAEM river basins).

Street crime

Street crime, including muggings and thefts, is a significant problem in Lima, Cusco, Arequipa and other major cities. Be alert in public places and when withdrawing cash from ATMs.

It is safer to use ATMs inside banks, supermarkets or large commercial buildings during business hours. Do not walk on your own in quiet areas or at night.

There have been a number of robberies at gunpoint of British tourists and residents. Attacks can take place in tourist areas of Lima such as Miraflores and Barranco. To reduce your personal risk:

  • avoid wearing or displaying expensive items
  • avoid using your phone at the roadside, as motorbike riders may snatch it
  • report crimes to local police as soon as possible
  • ask lodge or hotel staff for help if an incident happens on site

Criminals target cars stopped at traffic lights. Keep your doors locked and windows shut while driving.

Protecting your belongings

Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and bag-snatching, is common, so:

  • keep your belongings secure
  • do not leave bags unattended
  • on bus journeys, keep your passport with you

Bogus taxi drivers

There is a risk of robbery by bogus taxi drivers, especially at Jorge Chavez International Airport and bus terminals. Bogus taxi drivers and thieves pretending to be tour operators sometimes approach arriving passengers. To reduce the risk:

  • use licensed telephone or app-based taxi services and do not hail taxis on the street
  • ask your hotel to book taxis for you
  • use one of the official taxi companies at the airport, located at desks directly outside the baggage hall
  • use one of the taxis registered at bus terminals

Kidnappings and hold-ups

Tourists, especially those travelling alone, are at risk of ‘express kidnapping’. Victims are taken hostage and forced to withdraw money from ATMs for their release, usually at night. Incidents often involve armed criminals posing as taxi drivers, or taxi drivers working for organised gangs. Provincial and inter-city buses are sometimes held up by armed robbers.

If a kidnapping or hold-up happens to you:

  • do not attempt to resist attackers
  • agree to any demands for cash or goods
  • report the incident to the police as soon as possible

Criminals can also fake kidnappings by contacting the numbers from a stolen mobile phone and claiming to have kidnapped the owner. They then demand a ransom. Report it to the police if you suspect this has taken place.

Sexual assault

There have been some cases of rape or sexual assault of tourists, mostly in the Cusco and Arequipa areas. Unscrupulous tour agents have targeted young females, travelling alone in the Cusco area. You should:

  • buy your own drinks and keep sight of them at all times
  • try to seek help from people you know
  • report incidents to the police as soon as possible

For information on reputable tourist services around Peru, contact iPeru.

Money scams

Counterfeit US and Peruvian banknotes are in circulation. There have been reports of intis (former Peruvian currency now out of circulation) being used fraudulently by street money changers in Cusco tourist areas.

Laws and cultural differences

Personal ID

Carry an identification document with you at all times as the Peruvian police may ask to see it.

Illegal drugs and prison sentences

Illegal drug use and drug trafficking in Peru carry lengthy jail sentences. Prison conditions in Peru are extremely poor and the British Embassy cannot intervene in police or judicial matters, or secure more favourable conditions.

You should:

  • pack your luggage yourself and keep it with you at all times
  • not carry anything through customs for anyone
  • not take coca leaves or coca tea out of the country – it is illegal to import these items into the UK

Some British nationals have been targeted by drug couriers through email scams. The fraudsters ask you to travel to Peru where you’ll be given some items to take. These items contain drugs. You’ll face detention for drug trafficking if convicted.

Military photography

Do not take photographs of anything of a military nature.

LGBT+ travellers

Same-sex sexual activity is legal in Peru, but social attitudes are generally conservative. Crimes against the LGBT+ community are not included in hate crime legislation and same-sex partnerships are not formally recognised.

Same-sex couples showing affection in public may receive unwanted and negative attention.

Read more advice for LGBT+ travellers.

Outdoor activities and adventure tourism

Make sure your insurance covers you for all planned activities.

Unregulated tour services

Make sure that agencies providing adventure activities like zipline, canopy tours, bungee jumping, paragliding, kayaking, rock climbing, sand buggies and surfing have a licence. You should also check their health and safety precautions. For updated information on tour and sport services, contact iPeru.

Hiking and mountaineering

Peru’s highest peaks are in the Cordillera Blanca Mountains. Several hikers have died and others had to be rescued after serious accidents. Much of the region is inaccessible by helicopter so rescues are usually carried out on foot. Contact the iPeru tourist office in Huaraz – phone: 0051 (43) 428 812 – before you set off.

Sand buggies  

There have been deaths and accidents involving recreational sand buggies, particularly in the sand dunes around Ica and Lake Huacachina. These buggies are unregulated and the drivers and agencies take no responsibility for the welfare of passengers.


There are unauthorised surfboard rentals at the beaches of Miraflores. There may not be lifeguards on beaches.

River rafting and Amazon riverboat cruises  

For more information or to check the credentials of rafting and cruise operators, contact iPeru.

See ‘Regional risks’ for more information about the risks of travelling in the Amazon region.

Spiritual cleansing

Shamans and other individuals offer ‘spiritual cleansing’ (Ayahuasca or San Pedro) to tourists in the Amazon area, northern Peru and Cusco. This service typically involves drinking a brew containing dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a hallucinogenic drug that is a Class A substance in the UK. This brew is not regulated and its interaction with existing medical conditions is not well understood. People have suffered serious illnesses and in some cases death after taking part in these ceremonies. Spiritual cleansing retreats are usually some distance from populated areas making it difficult to access medical attention for those who need it.

There have also been reports of sexual assault during these ceremonies. There is guidance to support you if you have been sexually assaulted or raped in Peru.

Transport risks

Road travel

If you are planning to drive in Peru, see information on driving abroad.

You can use a UK photocard driving licence to drive in Peru (if your immigration stay permit is valid) for up to 6 months. If you still have a paper driving licence, you may need to update it to a photocard licence or get the correct version of the international driving permit (IDP) as well.

Carry your passport or a valid ID (‘carne de extranjería’ if you are a resident) with you at all times when driving.

Take particular care if you are driving close to places where protests are taking place. Do not attempt to pass blockades.

Driving standards in Peru are poor. Drivers often ignore stop signs and traffic lights, and fatal crashes are frequent.

Drivers do not always show concern for pedestrians. You should be extra cautious when walking alongside traffic.

Bus crashes are common, especially at night. Only use reputable transport companies, and where possible, avoid overnight travel, especially in mountainous and remote regions.

Extreme weather and natural disasters

Rainy season

The rainy season in Peru runs from November to May bringing heavy rain and snow in northern Peru, the Andes, including Cusco, and other parts of the country.

It can lead to the disruption of some travel services, the restriction of some inter-provincial travel by road, flight delays and the temporary closure of some tourist sites.

Rockslides, mudslides and snow can cause disruption to walking routes, road and rail travel in mountain and jungle areas:

  • across the Cusco Region
  • routes to Machu Picchu (including the alternative Santa Maria-Santa Teresa-hydroelectric plant route, and the Salkantay route)
  • the route to Manu (in Cusco and Madre de Dios)
  • across northern regions of Peru

You should:

  • check the latest conditions with your tour operator
  • travel with enough food, water, cash in local currency, medication and warm clothes
  • monitor local media for updates on travel information before starting your journey
  • contact iPeru before you set off


Peru is in an active earthquake zone and there are frequent tremors.   

Follow any advice given by the local authorities. The US Federal Emergency Management Agency has advice about what to do before, during and after an earthquake

Volcanic eruptions

If you are planning to visit areas of known volcanic activity, listen to all warnings and follow the advice of the local authorities.

Peru’s most active volcano, Ubinas, has been emitting gas and ash recently, leading to some local villages being evacuated, affecting 30,000 people.

The US Federal Emergency Management Agency has advice about what to do before, during and after a volcanic eruption.

Tsunamis and high tides

Although tsunamis are rare in Peru, higher tides often happen either after an earthquake or for other reasons throughout the year. See the Peruvian Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation for information.