Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration

Latest from Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration

What we do

The Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration monitors and reports on the efficiency and effectiveness of the immigration, asylum, nationality and customs functions carried out by the Home Secretary and by officials and others on their behalf. The Chief Inspector is a public appointee and independent from government; their reports are laid before Parliament.

ICIBI is an independent monitoring body of the Home Office.

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Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration

Contact ICIBI

Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration

1st Floor, Clive House
70 Petty France
United Kingdom


+443000 720128

Press Enquiries

+443000 736449

Please note the Chief Inspector and their staff are not part of the Home Office or the UK Immigration or customs system and cannot give advice or assistance on any immigration or customs issue or application. We are not able to advise of any direct contact details for the Home Office other than the general contact number of 020 7035 4848.

General Data Protection Regulation - Data Protection Practitioner

1st Floor
Clive House
70 Petty France
United Kingdom

The Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration has a Data Protection Practitioner who can be contacted via the details above.

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