FOI release

Freedom of Information request on the transformation at MHRA in response to four challenges (FOI 21/1124)

Published 27 April 2022

27th October 2021

FOI 21/1124


The transformation at MHRA is in response to four challenges: the UK exiting the European Union; our role in enabling the Life Sciences strategy; the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review which recommended that we focus on patients in all our activities; and financial pressures.

Rapid changes to the world of life sciences require the MHRA to work in a different way, operating as a joined up, nimble regulator delivering the best value and outcomes for patients and public health.

Leaving the European Union has meant changes to the regulatory processes and systems, which have also led to a reduction in traditional areas of the MHRA’s business. However, it has also created opportunities for the MHRA to embed new ways of working. In particular, it can work in greater partnership with other regulators and across the health and care system to ensure that UK patients benefit from new medicines and technologies quickly.

We aim to move to a focused and joined up organisational model that will improve the outcomes we deliver to patients and the public. Our transformation will lead to a reduction in our workforce of around 20% and is based on a thorough and meaningful assessment of the MHRA’s role, its functions and the lessons learnt about how the MHRA can operate over this period of extraordinary change. We are strongly committed to retaining talented staff, reskilling and developing wherever possible.

The MHRA’s Delivery Plan 2021-2023 “Putting Patients First: A New Era for Our Agency”, is a roadmap to the Agency’s future and commitment to continue to be a world-class regulator that delivers the right outcomes for patients, while we modernise the services we provide to industry, and remain financially stable. More information can be found at: Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency Delivery Plan 2021-2023 - GOV.UK

The transformation at MHRA also provides an opportunity to maintain and have a career which enables our staff to both excel in their chosen field, and consider their progression to a wider variety of other roles within the new Agency structure.

Kind regards,

MHRA Customer Service Centre Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency 10 South Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 4PU