

介绍 NHS 糖尿病性眼病筛查计划的信息。


糖尿病眼部篩檢指引 - Chinese




本宣传单的免费印刷副本应与普遍筛查 邀请一起发送给当地筛查服务机构。在 APS 在线订购门户网站上查看本印刷宣传单的完整 PDF 版本

事件 筛查邀请应引导人们访问本宣传单的数字 HTML 网页版本。如果您需要向无法访问互联网的人提供 HTML 版本的副本,请参阅如何打印数字宣传单


如对本出版物有任何疑问,请联系PHE 筛查服务中心,并确保包含其完整的标题。

发布 30 January 2015
上次更新 16 May 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added Ukrainian translation

  2. Translations updated inline with the DES interval changes on 1 October 2023

  3. The HTML document and leaflet have been changed to reflect that if no diabetic retinopathy was detected, you will be invited for screening every 1 or 2 years.

  4. Updating confidentiality section, replacing mention of Public Health England with NHS England.

  5. Addition of 'following medical advice' to regular exercise advice under 'How you can help' section.

  6. Addition of plain A4 PDF version for printing, to provide for people unable to access this information online.

  7. Added lifetime screening pathway animations to landing page.

  8. Translations converted to HTML.

  9. Updated guidance about use of personally identifiable information.

  10. Updated diabetic eye screening leaflet.

  11. Added HTML version of diabetic eye screening invitation leaflet.

  12. Added new easy read guide, replacing out of date leaflet.

  13. Added opt-out and patient consent information to leaflet.

  14. Addition of link to audio version.

  15. First published.