
NHSP: information for parents

Updated 29 May 2024

Applies to England

You have been informed about and understand what the newborn hearing screen involves and have seen the booklet Screening tests for you and your baby or the ‘Screening tests for you and your baby: babies in special care units’ leaflet.

You have had the opportunity to discuss the newborn hearing screen and all your questions have been answered to your satisfaction.

You understand that even with a clear response from the screen, your baby can develop a hearing loss later.

1. Data recording

Shortly after birth, your baby was registered with an NHS number. Some of that information is sent to our national IT system to help us identify those babies who should be offered screening. As your baby was born in, or is registered with a GP, in England he or she is entitled to a newborn hearing screen as part of the NHS programme.

The details of your baby, the screening and, if required, any hearing tests following the screen will be kept on the screening national information system used by the NHS Newborn Hearing Screening Programme. The information will only be shared with your doctor, health visitor and other health professionals directly involved with the screening and with any subsequent investigations and treatment (if required). All staff that work in or with the NHS are required as a matter of law to keep information about you and your baby confidential.

An anonymised version of this information will be used for monitoring the success and evaluating the benefits of the screen. All requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation will be met during the storage and use of the data.

Please note we can only screen your baby’s hearing if you agree to your baby’s test data being stored in the national screening IT system.

You may request and receive a copy of the information held about your baby at any time. If you choose not to take up this offer of screening, we will keep a record to show that we have contacted you and that you have declined the screen, and we will let your GP and health visitor know that your baby has not been screened.

2. Confidentiality

The NHS screening programmes use personal information from your NHS records to invite you for screening at the right time. Public Health England also uses your information to ensure you receive high quality care and to improve the screening programmes. Find out more about how your information is used and protected, and your options.