Promotional material

Messaging for apprentices - National Minimum Wage

Published 30 June 2021

The National Minimum Wage messages in this section are aimed at apprentices.

We have included:

  • 3 suggested social media posts
  • a blog post
  • a short myth buster which you might like to use in your newsletters, on your website or on any other suitable channels

You can adapt or personalise these messages as necessary for your own channels.

Use this URL

The ‘Check Your Pay’ campaign website brings together all the relevant information apprentices need to know.

Please use the following URL in all your digital content targeting apprentices:

Social media messages

These template social media posts contain the key messages that we want apprentices to see.

As well as proposed text, we have provided some images for you to use:

We have referenced which images would be suitable for each message.

Message 1 - understand and report

Last year over 155,000 workers received National Minimum Wage back pay. Apprentices, here’s what you need to do:

  • Make sure you understand what you’re entitled to
  • Report any underpayments


Use the following images:

  • for Instagram, use the file: NMW-Apprentices-Message-1_Instagram.png
  • for Facebook or LinkedIn, use the file: NMW-Apprentices-Message-1_Facebook-LinkedIn.png

For reference, the text on the image reads: ‘Report minimum wage underpayment to HMRC and get back what you’re owed’

Message 2 - report an underpayment

Apprentices who think they’re not paid the correct National Minimum Wage can report underpayment to HMRC. Reporting is simple and can be done online Find out more


Use the following images:

  • for Instagram, use the file: NMW-Apprentices-Message-2_Instagram.png
  • for Facebook or LinkedIn, use the file: NMW-Apprentices-Message-2_Facebook-LinkedIn.png

For reference, the text on the image reads: ‘Apprentices: report minimum wage underpayment. It takes less than 5 minutes’

Message 3 - first year of apprenticeship

Are you an apprentice aged 19 and over on the National Minimum Wage? After completing your first year of apprenticeship you are entitled to be paid more than the £4.30 apprentice rate. For more information:


Use the following images:

  • for Instagram, use the file: NMW-Apprentices-Message-3_Instagram.png
  • for Facebook or LinkedIn, use the file: NMW-Apprentices-Message-3_Facebook-LinkedIn.png

For reference, the text on the image reads: ‘Are you an apprentice? Find out which minimum wage rate you should be paid’

Blog post

As an apprentice you are entitled to be paid at least the National Minimum Wage. Make sure you know how much you should be paid and what you can do if you think you’re underpaid.

Watch out for the following common mistakes which can lead to minimum wage underpayment:

  • If you’re aged 19 and over and have completed the first year of your apprenticeship you are entitled to the higher minimum wage rate for your age group, not just the £4.30 apprentice rate
  • You should only be paid the apprentice rate of £4.30 once you have officially started your apprenticeship and not after it ends
  • You must be paid for all training time no matter whether this training takes place at work, college or elsewhere

If you think you haven’t been paid correctly, you can report this to HMRC. Reporting is simple, can be made anonymously or even on behalf of someone else:

If you would prefer to talk your situation through with someone on the phone first, you can call the Acas Helpline on 0300 123 1100.  You do not have to give your name if you don’t want to.

Make sure you get the money you’re owed. Find out more, including the higher minimum wage rates for the different age groups, on the Check your pay website.

Myth buster for apprentices

Myth: Training time doesn’t count as working time.
Truth: All training time counts as working time for minimum wage purposes and must be paid at least the minimum wage rate.

Myth: All apprentices should be paid the £4.30 apprentice rate.
Truth: If you’re an apprentice aged 19 and over and have completed your first year you should get at least £6.56 per hour, if not more depending on your age.

Myth: If you’re paid the correct minimum wage rate you don’t need to worry about National Minimum Wage underpayment.
Truth: You may be surprised that you could still be underpaid if you’re not paid for all the time you worked, or if your employer is making wage deductions.

Myth: Reporting underpayment to HMRC is too difficult and not worth your time.
Truth: Reporting can be done online and takes less than 5 minutes. From April 2020 to March 2021 workers received over £16.7m in back pay.

Myth: It’s ok for your employer to pay you the £4.30 apprentice rate before or after your apprenticeship starts/ends.
Truth: If you haven’t started your apprenticeship, you are legally entitled to receive the higher minimum wage rate for your age group. You can check the rates on the Check Your Pay website