
Definitive countervailing duty on continuous filament glass fibre products from Egypt (anti-dumping duty 2409)

Published 29 June 2020

The Commission announced in regulation 2020/870, Official Journal ref. L201, the imposition of definitive countervailing duty on imports of continuous filament glass originating in Egypt.

This regulation takes effect from 26 June 2020.

1. Products affected

The products included are:

  • chopped glass fibre strands, of a length of not more than 50mm
  • glass fibre rovings
  • mats made of glass fibre filaments

2. Products excluded are

The following products are excluded:

  • glass fibre rovings’ which are impregnated and coated and have a loss on ignition of more than 3% (as determined by the ISO Standard 1887)

  • mats of glass wool

3. TARIC codes

There goods currently fall within TARIC codes:

  • 7019 1100 00
  • 7019 1200 22
  • 7019 1200 25
  • 7019 1200 26
  • 7019 1200 39
  • 7019 3100 10
  • 7019 3100 90

4. Countervailing duty rates

The rates of the definitive countervailing duty applicable to the net, free-at-Union-frontier price, before duty will be as follows:

Company Definitive CVD TARIC additional code
Jushi Egypt for Fibreglass Industry S.A.E 13.1% C540
All other companies 13.1% C999

The amounts secured in respect of provisional countervailing duty will be brought to account.

Imports during the three weeks registration period (15 February 2020 to 6 March 2020), prior to the implementation of provisional duty will be subject to retrospective definitive countervailing duty. Customs authorities are instructed to collect the duties at the following rates:

Company Definitive duty rate applicable to registered imports TARIC additional code
Jushi Egypt for Fiberglass Industry S.A.E. 8.7% C540
All other companies 8.7% C999

CHIEF has been updated.

5. More Information

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