Press release

Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Costa Rica & Nicaragua

Mr Ross Denny has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to the Republic of Costa Rica and Her Majesty’s Non-Resident Ambassador to the Republic of Nicaragua.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Ross Denny

Mr Ross Denny has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Costa Rica and Her Majesty’s Non-Resident Ambassador to the Republic of Nicaragua in succession to Mr Christopher Campbell and Mrs Sharon Campbell, who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mr Denny will take up his appointment during September 2015.

Mr Denny joined the FCO in 1979 and has served at a wide variety of Post overseas including three appointments in Latin America. He is currently serving as British Ambassador to the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

On his appointment as Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Costa Rica, and Her Majesty’s Non-Resident Ambassador to the Republic of Nicaragua Mr Denny has said:

I feel privileged to have been appointed as Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Costa Rica and welcome the opportunity of representing British interests in that fascinating and progressive country. In addition, I look forward to working closely with the government of Costa Rica to build ever stronger relations across the range of our many shared interests, and to leading the work of the Embassy. I am also delighted and honoured to be appointed as Her Majesty’s Non-Resident Ambassador to the Republic of Nicaragua and I look forward to enhancing further our important and historic partnership there.


Personal details
Full name: Ross Patrick Denny
2011 – present La Paz, Her Majesty’s Ambassador
2008 – 2011 Ascension Island, Administrator
2005 – 2008 FCO, Research Analysts Department, Team Leader
2002 – 2005 Luanda, Deputy Head of Mission, Her Majesty’s Consul and Trade Director
1998 – 2001 Sao Paulo, Her Majesty’s Vice Consul (Commercial)
1992 – 1997 The Hague, Second Secretary
1990 – 1992 FCO, Desk Officer, Papua New Guinea and South West Pacific, South Pacific Department
1988 – 1990 FCO, Desk Officer, Personnel Department
1985 – 1988 Warsaw, Her Majesty’s Vice Consul
1983 – 1985 Doha, Assistant Management Officer
1980 – 1983 Santiago, Accountant
1979 – 1980 FCO, West Indies & Atlantic Department
1979 Joined FCO

Further information

UK and Costa Rica

UK and Nicaragua

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Published 3 February 2015