SPIR4000 - Technical guidance: contents

  1. SPIR4010
    Why do we need a spirits regime?
  2. SPIR4020
    What are spirits?
  3. SPIR4030
    How are spirits produced?
  4. SPIR4040
    Can anyone produce spirits?
  5. SPIR4050
    Can you explain in greater detail how spirits are produced from cereals and fruits?
  6. SPIR4060
    Stages of production: Materials
  7. SPIR4070
    Stages of production: Mashing
  8. SPIR4080
    Stages pf production: Fermentation
  9. SPIR4090
    Stages of production: distillation
  10. SPIR4100
    Stages of production: Pot still distillation
  11. SPIR4110
    Stages of production: Continuous distillation
  12. SPIR4120
    Can you explain how industrial ethanol is produced?
  13. SPIR4130
    How are the spirits accounted for and warehoused?
  14. SPIR4140
    What are distillers responsibilities under this regime?
  15. SPIR4150
    What sort of records do distillers keep?
  16. SPIR4160
    Can a distiller dispose of fusel oils without paying excise duty?
  17. SPIR4170
    Can a distiller receive feedstock from other excise traders?
  18. SPIR4180
    What happens if a distiller ceases to manufacture spirits?
  19. SPIR4190
    What is the significance of the terms "whisky", "whiskey" and "Scotch Whisky"
  20. SPIR4200
    Is a distillers licence required if a trader produces spirits as a by-product of a manufacturing process?
  21. SPIR4220
    Can computerised versions of the Practical Alcohol tables etc be used?
  22. SPIR4230
    Can a trader manufacture spirits in a still which has a capacity of less than 18 hectolitres?
  23. SPIR4240
    What classification are spirits-based alcoholic carbonates ('Alcpops')?
  24. SPIR4250
    But that’s made-wine - what does it have to do with spirits?
  25. SPIR4260
    Processing of quarterly returns
  26. SPIR4300
    Exports by Small Producers